Songs of Nostalgia...

Sunday, October 16, 2011
Most songs are always of some sort of nostalgia either reminding you of a place, person, event, etc. But a few recent songs on the radio seem to be similar to songs from several years ago about ex lovers and flings...anyways here's a mini nostalgia playlist:
Adele--Someone Like You

David Guetta--Without You

Dandy Warhols--We Used To Be Friends

Gwen Stefani--Cool

The last two are my personal favorites and found on probably every one of my I-tunes playlists as well. They are a sort of baseline on what I just most other songs and music on.  Anyways hope you all had good memories return to you from listening to those.


  1. Gwen Stefani is a darling brunette. As a platinum blonde, she is glam and starlet, but I will always love her as the natural brunette she is. So cute!

  1. --- said...:

    I am so glad you posted that "cool" song. forgot how much I love it (however sad it is), and I'm going to listen to it. Again.

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